Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Windowsill Herb Garden

 Last February when I got my tax refund, I bought these cute planter sets at Target, one group of teal and one group of dark orange-red ones. They're three plastic planters set in a matching water tray, and I realized while still at the store that you can pull the planters off the tray and mix and match the things. So, I did. And then I planted herbs in them.

Maybe I just wasn't thinking, but it took me quite a while to figure out what I had planted. I mean, I knew what I planted at the time, but, after a few weeks, I forgot what was in each planter and the next thing I knew, I was waiting for the sprouts to get a little bigger to figure out what they were. I know I planted two kinds of parsley, oregano, two types of basil, and chives. One of the basils and the chives didn't make it past the sprout stage, so I swapped them out for a store-bought oregano plant (not knowing that one of my surviving sprouts was oregano) and green onions (the tips about growing them from store-bought kitchen scrap totally works, although you can skip the stinky water and just toss them in some good dirt, seriously).

 So, what I have ended up with is the two types of parsley (flat leaf and curled), two planters of  the same kind of oregano (I think), green onions, a separate planter (there in the yellow pot) of chives, and a plant I can't identify. I figure it must be one of the basil plants, but it really doesn't look like basil. Since I only remember planting the basil, parsley, chives, and oregano, I still have no idea what it is. I might have planted something else and don't remember; might not have, too. They mystery plant is on the far right in the second photo.
In any case, I have to say that cooking with fresh herbs makes all my dishes taste better. The parsley and oregano in particular make my pasta dishes taste AMAZING, especially fettuccine alfredo! Wow!

I think I may replant these into a very large planter to keep in a sunny spot inside and try my hand at some other herbs now, too. Maybe rosemary or thyme...

Yorkdale 4' Window Box - White - Planters (Google Affiliate Ad)

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